The Grey Winds Project
Search and Rescue Team (SRT)
New England - Great Plains - Rocky Mountains
“These Things We Do That Others May Live”
The Right Tools at the Right Time
The Grey Winds Project SRT UAV Pilots are TRUST certified and fully qualified FAA UAV pilots (Part 107). We use small drones with powerful cameras to aide in SAR missions; these drones are virtually maintenance free, pose no danger to the environment and can operate in hazardous conditions.
Adventure Motorcycles
Our specially equipped adventure motorcycles can access the worst environments and take emergency medical personnel where trucks, jeeps, or even aircraft cannot. All of our SRT Motorcycle Operators are fully licensed and emergency vehicle operations qualified.
We believe that education is key to reducing victim odds. The Grey Winds Project SRT is available for high school presentations, college presentations, work place presentations, public safety training and community presentations. We share information about the endemic missing person(s) issue facing our nation, anti-grooming education, tips and tricks for being safe on social media, and travel safety tips.
The Grey Winds Project, LLC
The Grey Winds Project Search and Rescue Team (SRT) is part of the The Grey Winds Project, LLC; a Native American and USAF/USA Veteran Owned and Operated Non-Profit. We are dedicated to fighting the endemic missing persons, murder, kidnapping, and trafficking of Native American women from our Sacred Lands.
Connect with our SRT Experts
Please contact us direct for SAR missions. This “contact” section is for those who want to know more about our education training, media inquires, and donation inquires.